Life On A B-I7

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Journal Entry - Monday, September 11, 2023


”Many think that seeds improve with age. I have no doubt that time discriminates between the good and the bad; and when at last I shall plant, I shall be less likely to be disappointed.”

Henry David Thoreau

I guess it’s obvious now that I’m reading “Walden”. I run into a passage now and then that strikes me. I’m not sure you can read Walden and not be struck dumb at times… He may be talking about seeds and planting in this passage, but I prefer to think the idea runs deeper. He seems to be telling me that I shouldn’t be quick to form judgements or even make decisions, but rather the opposite. The best decisions are those that are considered carefully. I can think of many examples in my life when I have not followed Thoreau’s advice. Perhaps I should have read “Walden” with a critical eye much earlier in life, but then again, I have to admit that it is better to stumble late to this advice than never.