Life On A B-I7

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More About Nothing

Thursday March 30, 2023 (Journal Entry)

I’ve been remiss. I haven’t written here for a few days. Let me just say, I don’t write here for you, I write here for me. While I admit, in the back of my mind I like to think that some of what is posted here might be of interest to a curious few, I’m under no illusion that what is here is probably only enjoyed by myself.

There has been a lot on my mind of late. Writing helps me to sort things out. I’ve learned that I have CAD. It’s not the end of the world, but it is a surprise and something I need to grapple with. In addition, I’ve been told my memory may be suspect. Curious that. I still know how to write, and enjoy doing that. It gives me great pleasure actually, but I tend to write about today, or at least recent events, rather than the past. (Let’s not jump to conclusions, I’ve never written about the past, and it’s possible I’m not the sort of person lives in, or even thinks much about the past…)

Where does all this leave me at the moment? I’m not completely sure. I do know I’m going to keep writing. Keep skiing. Keep cycling. Keep enjoying the people I love and the people that love me, and keep myself in the best health possible so all these things can be enjoyed. When you stop to think about it, there really isn’t a lot more that you need to do.